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NEW! Dada and Me - Season 1 CD


Introducing the ultimate compilation of songs from Zain Bhikha’s animated series, Dada and Me – Season 1.

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ZBS009 Category:

NEW! Dada and Me - Season 1 CD

The "Dada and Me Season 1" song complilation CD takes your children on a heartfelt journey, combining the power of song with valuable lessons from the Qur'an and Sunnah in a fun and memorable way.
Now your kids can enjoy the melodies of Zain Bhikha's animated series anytime, anywhere. Perfect for kids of all ages, this CD is a must-have addition to their music collection.

Featuring the following songs in both Voice Only and Voice and Drums formats:

  1. Dada and Me Theme Song
  2. The Wild Song
  3. The Body Song
  4. The Salaah Song
  5. The Anger Song
  6. When I Grow Up Song
  7. The Caring & Consideration Song
  8. The Cleanliness Song
  9. The Shapes & Colours Song
  10. The Backbiting Song
  11. The Lovey Dovey Song

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